Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s About Reverse Osmosis and Swimming Pools

How Does The Puripool Process Work?

Our mobile filtration trailer utilizes Reverse Osmosis (RO) to lower Calcium Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), salts, phosphates, Cyanuric Acid (CYA), waterborne diseases, and other contaminants from the swimming pool. The trailers are completely self-contained and run on their own power. Two hoses come from the trailer and one is attached to a pump that takes water from your swimming pool into the mobile filtration trailer. The water is pre-treated before it contacts the RO membranes and then pure water is returned to the swimming pool. Depending on the initial TDS reading, we can predict how long the process will take to lower the TDS and calcium levels to below what can be obtained from your cities tap. There is no downtime during the process and the interior finish of the swimming pool is never exposed.

How Long Will It Take Your Filtration System To Make My Pool Water Clean and Soft?

Currently, we are able to treat 40,000-gallons a day, to drinking water levels! Obviously, the size of your pool is the deciding factor on how long it will take based on this level. However, most residential swimming pools will take between 16 and 20 hours to complete and commercial pools take longer.

Is This Process Safe?

Absolutely! In fact, you can actually swim in the pool during the filtration process! There are no power cords or electricity in or near your pool, nor are they laying around for someone to trip on. An inch and a half hose with a Virginia Graeme Baker Act (VGBA) compliant fitting are placed in one end of the pool to draw the water back to the trailer for treatment and another inch and a half hose returns the clean (drinkable!) water back to your pool. That’s it! We are 100% self-contained and do not need to inconvenience you for electricity or extension cords or an outlet. All we need from you is a fresh water supply to replenish the small amount of water, approximately 15 – 20%, that is lost during the process. With that said, if you choose to swim it is completely safe!

What Are The Steps In The Process?

The trailer has a touchscreen control that also has a web server built-in. We can log in and see the TDS level of the water coming into the trailer and out, the pressure of the water arriving at the 10micron prefilter and coming out of it, and the pressure into and out of the RO membranes.  We can start and stop the system, and speed up or slow down the pumps.

  1. Water from the pool is pulled in through the suction line to the trailer where it first encounters the
  2. UV purification system. This kills off harmful bacteria that might be present in the water.  Then the water moves on to the
  3. Pre-filter bag that keeps dirt and other larger suspended solids from going through the Reverse Osmosis membranes.
  4. The water then goes through a large motor that pressurizes the water to 200 psi for the Reverse Osmosis (RO) membranes.
  5. The water is squeezed through the RO membranes.  This is the step that removes the dissolved solids.
  6. The purified water that makes it through the membranes is returned to the pool immediately. The impurities that were rejected by the membranes are sent down the sewer.
  7. The water that is sent down the sewer is replaced with a standard hose connection to the trailer, or through auto-fill if the pool is so equipped.
I Can't See The Hard Water, So How Do I Know It's There?

If scaling has occurred that is the best way to know your water is hard but it isn’t always visible to the naked eye. Your best chance of seeing it is if you turn on the lights for your swimming pool at night. Typically, at night you can see them floating around your pool! Trust us when we say if you haven’t changed out the water in your swimming pool in two or more years, it’s there!

Why Do I Need Your Service?

You may not be able to see it in the water, but you can see the effects in other areas.  Calcium deposits form on the waterline tile and on the pool surface itself.  Do you have weird, white growths on your pool walls and bottom?  They are probably calcium deposits.  Calcium is the ingredient that makes limestone, and although it is not the hardest rock around, it is still a rock that forms from calcium deposits.  This is why pool equipment manufacturers will often void their warranty if your pool water contains over 400 ppm (parts per million) of calcium.

The Puripool Process in Las Vegas, Nevada

Never Drain Pool Water Recycling based out of Las Vegas is now proudly offering The Puripool Process which is a revolutionary service that is more convenient, less wasteful, and puts cleaner, safer recycled pool water in your pool without exposing your interior finish and potentially damaging the pool. The Puripool Process is an innovative method of recycling residential and commercial swimming pool water through RO and UV filtration. The Puripool Process removes chemicals and impurities like Calcium Hardness (CH), Cyanuric Acid (CYA), phosphates, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), viruses, bacteria, allergens, waterborne diseases, and other hardness minerals without the use of harsh chemicals that could be dangerous to bathers and hard on pool components. Our process is completely safe, and you can even swim in the pool while it is being filtered!

This service was originally designed by Pure Water Industries in San Diego and we are happy to offer it to swimming pool owners in Las Vegas, Nevada! The processed water that returns to your swimming pool is RO quality water, which is safer, cleaner and healthier than your pool water has ever been. One of the biggest benefits of using our service is we will conserve up to 85% of the existing water in your swimming pool and the water is much better than the tap!

Benefits of the Puripool Process

  • Lowers Calcium Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids, and Cyanuric Acid
  • It is eco-friendly, conserving nature’s most precious resource – WATER.
  • It makes your water better than tap water.
  • It removes harmful contaminants and waterborne diseases.
  • It keeps your pool full of water guarding it against floating our exposing plaster to air which can cause it to crack.
  • It usually takes less than 24 hours, and you can swim while it is cleaning.
  • The water is soft when filtration is complete
  • You will use fewer chemicals
  • Water conservation
  • Can be performed on residential and commercial swimming pools

We highly recommend using Reverse Osmosis mobile filtration the next time someone recommends draining your swimming pool. Our end product makes your water look great and feel great too! Give us a call today, we promise you will love it!